Why Buy Art Directly from the Artist?

When it comes to décor it’s got to be something special. It's something that you will see every day, you'll be influenced by it every time you look at it. I don't know about you, but I love something inspirational. It might be my favourite view, subject or item which conjures memories. It might be a beautiful scene of a place you want to go. It might be something a little more abstract which has devastatingly beautiful colours and textures which inspires you. It could be anything you want! My aim is quite simple; my art, your space - I want to create inspiring spaces, where my artworks are cherished vibrant focal points for any place.

I want you to surround yourself with things that make you smile!


Why buy art directly from the artist?

I work with a handful of galleries and shops, I'm very grateful to them and I certainly don't want to stop people from purchasing art from galleries and shops. I very much encourage it!

However, thanks to the Internet, we have a world where artists can reach people and people can reach artists, which is very exciting!

  • More personal service - A gallery can provide an extremely personable and enjoyable buying experience but with the best will in the world, they won't have the same insight as purchasing directly from the artist. Buyers can get a more personalised service from artists. I know that I take every sale very seriously and do my best to make my buyers feel special and valued, which they are!

  • Find out about the artist - Have a look around the artist's website; you can learn quite a lot about the artist, without being pressured into buying.

  • Find out about the art - If you like a piece of work and want to find out more about it, just drop the artist a line. A great deal of time and effort goes into a piece of art, aspects that aren't always obvious just by looking at a digital image. For many artists this is a difficult thing to get our head around. When we look at an artwork we've painted; every single brushstroke, every high and low, every mistake, every upset, every win, all comes flooding back to us. The enormity of the achievement weighs on us but also makes us feel immensely satisfied. In short, you can't tell all that from a digital image and we aren't always very good at putting that sort of emotion in a painting description. Feel free to ask the artist more about the artwork.

  • Build a relationship with the artist - If you can afford the piece then go ahead and purchase, artists appreciate that you respect the artist and their work enough to make that purchase. A good artist will pay you back in more ways than just a beautiful art; but with special discounts on future art, invites to exhibitions or private viewings, offering you the chance to purchase their newest artwork first. Over time you can develop a great relationship with the artist.

  • Prints or gifts - If you can't afford the original art don't forget that most artists offer their artwork as prints, canvases or even printed gifts, which may be a much more affordable way to own the art.

I hope this has given you some food for thought. Your home shows off your personality - let me help you transform your living place into a loving place with some unique art.


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